City of Waxahachie | Kids Out and About Midcities

City of Waxahachie

401 S. Rogers Street
Waxahachie , TX , 75165
Phone: (469) 309-4000
32° 23' 0.4848" N, 96° 50' 57.318" W
Contact name: 
Michael Scott
Waxahachie continues to be an attractive area for developers and individuals to locate. Just a short drive from the Metroplex, Waxahachie also has a number of festivals and events throughout the year for residents and visitors to enjoy. In 1997, the Texas State Legislature designated Waxahachie as the “Crape Myrtle Capital of Texas.” Each summer, the city’s historic streets are lined with hundreds of beautiful pink crape myrtles in full bloom. Waxahachie’s year-round attractions and festivals include the Crossroads of Texas Film Festival in May, Gingerbread Trail in June, Rotary Cow Creek Country Classic Bike Ride in June, Crape Myrtle Festival in July, Texas Country Reporter Festival in October and the World War II Reenactment in November which celebrates Veterans’ Day. December offers an array of activities with the Parade of Lights, Candlelight Tour of Homes and Bethlehem Revisited.
