Review of Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam Thunder Nationals | Kids Out and About Midcities

Review of Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam Thunder Nationals

By Brian Smith

There's not much snow on the ground and perhaps the kids are asking "What are we going to do this weekend?"  You only need ask, "ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?" 

If you're looking for some ground-rumbling, family friendly fun, then Advance Auto Parts Monster Truck Jam Thunder Nationals is for you!  You'll enjoy an afternoon or evening of customized big-kid toys that look really cool and have over 1,500 horses under the hood that literally rock the house.  It's not called Thunder Nationals for nothing!  Helpful hint:  You WILL want to provide ear protection for yourself and your children; noise-cancelling headsets are available from vendors for $10, but you can just as easily pick up a set of earplugs for your entire family at the grocery or drugstore

The Monster Truck Jam features contests, including freestyle performance, racing, and the donut & wheelie competition,  My 5-year-old daughter was amazed, watching 5 tons of adrenaline-fueled steel & rubber go airborne, then crush cars.  They pulled donuts so fast that I was reaching for my Dunkin!  Competing trucks are customized, with names like Monster Magic, Eradicator, Spiderman, Backdraft (love those emergency lights!), Stone Crusher, Maximum Destruction & Grave Digger-celebrating 30yrs of monster truck racing.  Grave Digger is a fan favorite, but lookout...Max Destruction has a few tricks up its sleeve!  In addition to the monster trucks, you might just catch a free T-shirt or other gift tossed into the audience; what's more, you'll see Cannonball Lady shot across the arena from a truck-mounted cannon and her husband, Radical Rod the Human Bomb, who climbs into a TNT-box that explodes with a BOOM!

If your kids love cars or trucks, then take the time to come early for the Pit Party  It'It's open to all fans who would like to get up close & personal with the monster trucks right on the arena floor.  If your family is ready to rumble, I advise you to BE THERE!!!

© 2012, Brian K. Smith

Brian Smith lives in Penfield, NY and has two children: a 13yr. old boy and a 5yr old girl. He is the Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Mendon, NY and performs magic in the Greater Rochester area. You may contact him by phone or txt (585.301.8564), send an email (, or visit the church website at
