's Family Travel Guide to Mount Desert Island, ME | Kids Out and About Midcities's Family Travel Guide to Mount Desert Island, ME

Ile de Mounts Deserts: Visiting Mount Desert Island, ME with Kids

 by Ella S. Ross

I have to admit, I am completely biased here. I love Mount Desert Island. I could spend the rest of my life exploring the tide pools of Acadia and never get tired of it. But I should try to say something other than just my romantic ramblings. 

Acadia national park is of course a highlight of this place, with its rocks and its heights. But going out onto the ocean, seeing the wildlife, learning about it, learning about the life and industry of Maine’s coastline, and walking around downtown Bar Harbor are all things also not to be missed.

So, now you know my favorite place. If you tell me yours I’ll happily give it a shot, but a part of my heart will always remain in Maine. 


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